”…And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them.”

As-salamu ‘alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,

I hope that you are all in a good state of imaan and health, and if not that you are working towards that. I wanted to share something that I’ve been thinking about since yesterday. I’m sure your all aware of the condition of habyar Habiba as I always blog about her but I thought I might update you all. On Saturday I took my mom and sister to meet her for the first time ever, I always talking about her and they were always interested in meeting her but we all never had a mutual moment of freeness if that’s what we may call it. But Alhamdulilah on Saturday afternoon as we were all laying around the house with nothing to do, I said, ‘’how bout we go visit habyar Habiba?’’ and to my surprise my mom said, ‘’perfect well go after maghrib.’’ Wallahi I was so happy I automatically jumped up and got dressed before anyone could back out of the plan. My sister was more hesitant to meet her because she was scared of how she would look and the situation that she would be in. Once we got there she was sleeping but upon our arrival she woke up and I told her that we had come to visit her and I introduced her to my mother and sister…We then began reading quran on her and my sister moved to the corner because she couldn’t stand watching her in that condition. I looked towards my mother and she was in tears standing over her making dua for her, I guess me explaining her situation and my family witnessing it was two different things. I then began to play with her hair and massage her head for her as she listened to her favorite reciter (Shaykh Ali Sufi, woot woot!!!) and she began to cry, but this time unlike any other time she began to cry hard and the tear dropped all the way down, so I reached to wipe her tears and she moved her hands towards the direction of mines, so I assured her that everything was okay. My mom began to cry harder and said, ‘’wallahi she is crying due to the gentleness of the way you are dealing with her and the kindness that you are showing her.’’ She kept looking at me and staring at me and I would smile at her and tell her how beautiful she was. Wallahi as Allah is my witness she began to try and speak and I cried harder because it was the cutest thing ever, she started making a noise from the throat and was trying her hardest to say something so my mom told me to tell her to take it easy and not push herself to talk but she kept looking at me wanting to say something. I then showed her my mom and she looked towards her seeing her. We then recited Quran on her and said our salams before we left because she was getting tired. My family left the room but I stayed back for a couple of seconds and kissed her knees and told her it was one of two things, her health back or jannahtul firdows and that was that and each of them were two good outcomes. I bid my salams to her but before I left I realized that in her room there was a lady missing that used to be in the corner bed, I looked for a nurse and when one came in the room I asked her, ‘’there used to be a black lady on that bed, where is she?’’ and the nurse seemed shocked that I cared and that I was asking, and she informed me that she had passed away and when I asked when she told me about a week ago, wallahi my heart was filled with sadness.

I did not know this lady, I had no personal ties with her, but all I kept thinking was; for majority of her life she was on a hospital bed, and now she has returned to her Lord…and the bed she used to occupy was replaced by a lady who has a similar condition. Wallahi this is something we should reflect on, we are given health in abundance, the most we suffer from is a minor headache or some cramps, and we do not thank Allah as He should be thanked, we do not pray as He should be prayed too. Wallahi Allah had spoken the truth when He mentioned that mankind was ungrateful. We need to learn to give thanks to Allah not only verbally but also by our actions. If your thankful to Allah show Him by abstaining from sins, by striving hard, by reading quran, by studying ilm, by helping other Muslims, by remaining steadfast on your deen, by being birr to your parents, by eating halal, by gaining a halal income. There are so many simple ways to show Allah that you acknowledge His blessings and that you in return would like to please Him and make Him happy for all He has granted you. If the Prophet of Allah (salalahu alayhi wa salam) sometimes didn’t know where his next meal would come from or when it would be but your fridge is full and you have 3 meals a day, and we know the Prophet (salalahu alayhi wa salam) strove night and day to please Allah, what about yourself aren’t you ashamed that you are granted all that you ask for while you sit on your bum and do nothing in return? It’s like not working but expecting to get paid every 2 weeks. Our health is something we should thank Allah for night and day in our actions and our sayings. Do not waste your time and health as those are things you cannot get back once they are gone they are gone for good. There are so many people out there that are suffering and sick and we are at home in comfort and do not even know about the conditions of such people.

Last but not least if you are having a bad day think about all the people in worst conditions then yourself, if you are sick wallahi there is someone sicker then you. If you are poor there is someone poorer than you. If you are depressed there is someone who lost everything they’ve ever had. If you are unhappy there is someone who’s having it worst. Never look to those above you but look to those below you.

And I leave you all in the care of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) please keep me in your dua’s.

4 thoughts on “”…And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them.”

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