A day well spent..

unnamed-2Eid Mubarak to everyone, taqabalAllahu mina wa minkum! I hope you all enjoyed your Ramadan and that it continues for you all year long,

For Eid, me and 2 sisters decided to go to the hospital and stay with the aunt I’ve previously wrote about (habyar Habiba) and it was so cute. We got her cards and hung them around her room, then began reciting Quran for her. Our initial plan was to stay with her for a little then leave to have fun but once we got there our mood changed and we all felt sick to our stomach knowing that we would leave and she would remain on her bed. So we stayed with her for majority of the day only leaving too go eat shortly. As we sat by her we started to recite Surah Hashr and we got to the ayat where Allah says, ”Not equal are the companions of the Fire and the companions of Paradise. The companions of Paradise – they are the attainers [of success]” and subhanAllah this is where I broke down, I just began to repeat that ayah and started to cry because as I was looking at her I was thinking, wallahi she is someone who deserves a house in paradise beside Allah, someone who has been tied down to there bed for 5 years not able to speak or do anything for herself. I felt so sad knowing that we would leave her to herself on such a joyous day so we discussed and decided we would stay with her and recite Quran on her all day, and we weren’t prepared for what happened next. 
I began to play with her hair and massage her scalp and she turned her head in my direction and began to come close to me sitting up. One of the sisters dropped to the floor and bursted into tears because this is something the aunt has never done before, she does not move around nor get up by herself. And she sat up for a long period of time, holding herself up. We began to recite Juz Amma from the bottom up and we noticed more of a reaction towards the shorter surahs then the longer ones (baqarah) almost as if she knew these surahs. After about an hour of reading Quran we asked, ”habyar should we continue reading the Quran?” and she nodded her head yes, so we continued, and she would keep sitting up and diverting her gaze looking at each of us. Then she began to look at random parts of the room like corners and her eyes would widen and mouth would open so much so that we swore there were angels in the room with us because of the way she was looking around, then she would squint as if there were light in her eyes although there wasn’t. All in all this was probably the best Eid I’ve ever had due to how much khayr came out of it, staying at the hospital for Eid made me realize how lucky we are for the health that Allah gives us. A lot of times people forget that Eid in itself is a day of worship so you should keep up your acts of ibaadaah that day as well, so going to the hospital reciting Quran on Eid was the most fun I could have ever had. Then the second day ended up buying Toys for our Eid Toy Drive for sick kids hospital and dropping it off to them, and the third day the actual Eid event with all the sick children at the hospital. 
I just wanted to share that with you all, may Allah make us of those people who use our health to worship Him while we can. May Allah also cure the aunt who has been sick for so long, and may He grant my sisters jannah-tul-firdows for being so beneficial ❤ 

3 for the price of one!

As-salamu ‘alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,

I’d like to wish all of you a wonderful Ramadan, taqabalAllahu mina wa minkum! May this be a month filled with worship and devotion to Allah for you. I want to share three stories with you guys.

On Thursday, Alhamdulilah, I got to be involved for an event raising funds for Syria, Burma, and Somalia. This was probably the most stressful event I’ve ever helped. Lol I’m currently in recovery mode, I couldn’t even walk properly today. Being the head of all of the volunteers I was running back and fourth all day making sure that everything was going as planned. SubhanAllah I was so tired that I thought my body would cave in, that and having only ate one buur for the whole night because I was so busy making sure everyone else was okay. Finally I reached a point where I realized if I didn’t stop for a second and just relax I would probably faint so I went into the kitchen to escape the insanity. While I was in the kitchen I seen two females there that were standing there just looking around, everyone was passing by them not even realizing there presence in the room, so I went up to them and started up a conversation with them. I asked them what they were doing there and they informed me that they had to wash the dishes once our event ended so I asked the lady if I should tell everyone to use less plates and she started to laugh but I was being so serious I felt so bad for them but then they told us they had the dish washers. They asked me why we were having the event and I told her what was going on in 3 of these countries and they told me it was a beautiful cause and event and its amazing that people care. I realized that these two ladies were women of intellect and that this would be the perfect time to give dacwah so I drew them away from people and we stood alone. I talked to them for about 30 minutes or so. They asked why we wore the Hijabs and I explained it to them. I also gave them personal stories like how in high school guys would come to me and compliment my body and I would become upset, so I knew I had to make a change. She asked me if it gets hot in the summer and I told her, ”you know sister the material is thin, but the colour of it (black) attracts the sun making it hot, but we don’t mind because we believe that there is a reward for us with Allah (God) for protecting our modesty and honour so we enjoy the struggle as much as anyone would enjoy comfort because of the increase in reward.” They told me that they see some muslim women with the shorter small hijabs, so to demonstrate I took my jilbaab off partly so they could see the shape of my body, and the other side had it on, I asked them, ”is it the same?” they were shocked and said, ”No, one your covered and the second we can see your body” and I said thats the point in the hijab, you shouldn’t know what shape my body is. They told me that they thought that the women wore it only when they got married so I told her that is the case with most women (they wear longer hijabs or put on a niqaab once they get married) but this is not out of oppression but its because the men love and cherish there women so much so that they only want the privilege of being able to see there wives. They were so delighted at this and began to laugh and smile saying your right. They asked me many questions and each time I answered using a parable because Allah does this in the Quraan and I’ve noticed it always has the biggest impact. I managed to leave them on a good note with one of them saying she wanted to find a Muslim husband. I talked to them about marriage, work, life, hijab, boyfriends, and the separation between men and women. They agreed with everything and didn’t disagree with anything laughing at all my jokes. Finally I got caught doing nothing and was told to go help serve more food, so I had to leave I made sure to hug them both goodbye and told them it was really nice talking with them. When I was walking away I overheard them saying, ”She is such a lovely, beautiful and smart young lady. She knows her stuff” I smiled too myself and kept on walking.

The second story happened to me today, my mom sent me to the basement to grab something from the car. Usually I never leave my phone at home no matter where I’m going, but today Allah wanted to teach me a lesson so I happened to leave it. I got downstairs, and dumb me forgot the key fob to get back in, so I was trapped in the basement. I had to stand there, with no phone to call anyone and no key to get in. I was standing in a small box trapped. I stood there trying to figure out how to get out. I started praising Allah and asking Him for help. I went too the door and made duaA and said, ”Ya Allah you’ve opened things bigger then this small door please open it for me.” I said bismillah and tried to open it, and it wouldn’t open. I must admit I became a little sad but I told myself, Laila don’t doubt Allah. I did the same thing about 3 times, and then I became really sad because I really wanted the door too open and just experience this moment of happiness. So I started to think, and I remembered the 3 men who were in the cave and all mentioned something they did for the sake of Allah, and Allah removed the rock, (lol I know I’m so dramatic I compared my small situation to them) so the thinking game began and I tried to remember things. Alhamdulilah I remembered one thing which I won’t mention, but I said, ”Ya Allah, if I did such and such only for your sake open the door.” the door didn’t open. I said to myself, hey Laila there were 3 men there so lets find 2 more things. I said a second thing, then Alhamdulilah before I could think of a 3rd a random man came as I was standing there knocking and opened the door for me. I didn’t even take this into account until not too long ago. At the moment I was just so relived to be out of there that I just ran upstairs. But Alhamdulilah Allah sent that man to me to open up the door for me.

The third story is about my cousin. Wallahi I love her so much. I guess people would consider her not practicing but she has a cleaner and better heart than many practicing people. One time she was at my house listening to music, I told her to turn it off and I began to talk to her, we started around 9pm and I began with talking to her about death and what happens when you die, about the trials of the grave. Although she was alert, I didn’t notice any emotional reactions from her. But I continued and continued. Once it hit 12:30am-ish we began to talk about an injury that she went through. I asked her what happened that day that caused it, what sin did she commit and she told me. I asked her if she ever made taubah for it and she said no. I then asked her if she ever asked Allah to give her back what He took from her health and she said no. I said, ”Why? Why did you rush to the doctors instead of too Allah? Why haven’t you ever asked Allah to help you and aid you.” She bursted into tears and said, ”Wallahi I didn’t think Allah was capable.” SubhanAllah then we just both sat there sobbing crying our eyes out till my mom came at 1 and thought we were crazy. A few weeks after that I spoke to her mom and she told me that when she went home she ran to her mom and asked for forgiveness and said she would become a better daughter. And she informed her siblings that she couldn’t wait until Allah restored what He took back from her. Just today she was over and was going through my library looking for a book to read. I suggested that she borrowed Ibn al-Jazwi’s Disturber of the hearts. We went through the book together and she was in a state of shock over all the punishments. One part discusses the fact that on the day of judgement some sins will be brought in front of you that you thought were nothing or that you didn’t remember but Allah will show them too you. She asked me, ”but Laila what if you committed so much sins that you can’t remember them? How do I repent from all of that?” I told her that you would ask Allah for forgiveness for ALL of your sins, so she said out loud in the most sincere way I’ve ever seen, ”Ya Allah forgive me for all my sins!!!!!” I just smiled wallahi, I would have hugged her if we weren’t such a non-emotional family lol.

Forgive me for this long post but I just wanted to share these 3 stories with you all. May Allah aid and assist all the Muslim counties struggling all around the world. May Allah reward all the sisters who didn’t even break there fast due to worrying about everyone else breaking theres. May Allah guide the non-muslim sisters to the truth. May Allah preserve my family and allow them to enter paradise. May Allah forgive us all wallahi. Keep me in your duas this Ramadan inshaAllah love you all.

ps. I got a message from wordpress notifying me that I had 26 views an hour on this blog! woot woot! Izzy we made it!! — Lowkey its all Hamdi Luulay Miski and Idman though! #WPFAMBAM